Friday, June 27, 2008

Day 5

Our fifth day is drawing to a close... a day of firsts. We have completed our first 1000 nm, saw our first clouds, had our first night without stars to steer by, our first day average over 10 kts, and saw our first flying fish.

The clouds that started rolling in in the morning were complete overcast by late afternoon. Wind conditions built throught the afternoon with wind speeds building to 24kts by 6pm. We changed spinnikers to the heavier 1.5 oz which is built for wind over 20 kts. We also put up the spinniker net, in case we overrun the heavier sail in the surf. Untangling and repacking the net took 3 crew and better part of half an hour. It was suggested that: "Al take that thing into the head, and (figure it out) like a sudoku".

A short and confused sea allowed some surfing and Jill set records for Fortaleza at 17.7 and then 18.4 kts. With the strange sea state, it was a bumpy ride and a challenge to drive though blind throughout the night. As several of the veterans got themselves in dangerous spots, we've decided the appropriate term for the conditions was "humbling". Chuck was overheard saying the conditions were "Enough to piss off the Good Humor man." And recently professed his intention to take up goat herding.

Dinner was fantastic, again. Beef stew, mmmm.

On the sealife front, we finally started seeing flying fish yesterday. And by late afternoon and into the night we began having hundreds jump off our bow every time we crash into the next wave. Luckily, Jill was at the wheel when the first one landed on deck and Al ran forward to pitch me back my first dessert of "flying fish tartar".


1. Fresh flying fish, 6".

First, get good grip on body of fish, as it will be flapping around in the cockpit. Next, look eye to eye with the fish to thank it for the treat it will provide.

Eating tips:
Its best to first bite off the head of the fish at the gills, taking the wings off as well. You can chew it to get the best flavor from the large and tasty eyes. The crunchy head is best spit overboard with the wings. You can then get two or three good bites of the meaty body, only slightly wiggling, before disposing of the tail.
Bon Apetite!

From the Fortaleza,
All is well, Good sailing.


they call me mom said...

Hey guys! Sounds like you're having a blast! I'm glad you're safe and in good spirits. Dad, are you getting my texts?
Happy Sailing!

Cassie said...

Hey! sounds like Fun.. Just glad im not with.. lol i would never make it.. Glad you guys are safe and having Fun.. lol Dude Fish Yummy.. lol
Happy sailing!